Python Design
- Do one thing and do it well
- Should be at the same level of abstraction
- Command-query separation: should either make some change or return data
- Only request information it needs
- Keep the number of paramters minimal
- An indication of how focused the function is
- Don't create an use an object in the same place
- Use dependency injection
- Don't use flag arguments
- can mean the funcrion should be two distinct functions to handle each case
- Functions are objects, so can be passed around
- Keep classes small
- Typically either data focused (structure) or behaviour focussed (methods)
- Make classes east to use as possible
- eg properties instead of methods
- use @property, @cached_property or @lru_cache
- __repr__ for developers, __str__ for users
- Use Dependency Injection
- Don't create objects in the class, pass as arguments
- Make sure a class is really needed
- Classes are useful for multiple instances. If only one is needed, could be just a module function.
- Classes derived from Protcol define an interface with their attributes
- Duck typing means another type of object that has at least the same attributes as the interface can be passed to it